11 January 2016

How to create a scrollable table with header

See below example.  The tricks are 

Use jQuery to unhide the right column in the table when scroll bar is not visible.

Scrollbar is only visible if the row height * number of rows > table height

   table { 
     table-layout: fixed; 

is important to control the layout

 @model C2.Models.dtSalary  
 <!doctype html>  
   Layout = null;  
 <script src="~/Scripts/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script>  
 <STYLE type="text/css">  
   table {  
     table-layout: fixed;  
   .TableDiv {  
     overflow: auto;  
     height: 400px;  
     width: 320px;  
   .TableHeaderDiv {  
     width: 320px;  
   .TableFormat {  
     font-family: Arial;  
     font-size: 0.8em;  
     text-align: center;  
     border-collapse: collapse;  
     width: 100%;  
   .MediumColumn {  
     width: 100px;  
   .LongColumn {  
     width: 200px;  
   .TdHeight {  
     height: 20px;  
   th {  
     font-weight: 600;  
   .ColumnNoDisplay {  
     width: 17px;  
     display: none;  
 <div class="TableHeaderDiv">  
   <table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" class="TableFormat">  
       <col class="MediumColumn" />  
       <col class="MediumColumn" />  
       <col class="MediumColumn" />  
       <col width="17px" />  
         IP Address  
         Country Name  
 <div class="TableDiv">  
   <table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" class="TableFormat">  
       <col class="MediumColumn" />  
       <col class="MediumColumn" />  
       <col class="MediumColumn" />  
       <col class="ColumnNoDisplay" />  
     @foreach (var item in Model.salaryData)  
         <td class="TableCell">  
           @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.IPAddress)  
         <td class="TableCell">  
           @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.CountryName)  
         <td class="TableCell">  
           @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.City)  
         <td class="ColumnNoDisplay">&nbsp</td>  
   var divHeight = 400  
   var rowHeight = 20  
   var rowcount = @Model.salaryData.Count;  
   if (rowcount * rowHeight > divHeight)  

06 January 2016

IsHex function for SQL Server

   SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE id = object_id(N'fnIsHex')   
   AND xtype IN (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF')  
   DROP FUNCTION dbo.fnIsHex  
 CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnIsHex(@s VARCHAR(50) )   
 --Returns true if the string is a valid hexadecimalal number.   
 RETURNS bit  
 Description: Determine if a string represent an Hexadecimal value  
 Author:   Leo Fong  
 Created Date:06 Jan 2015  
 Usage: select dbo.fnIsHex('EX0429168AE12A80')  
     select dbo.fnIsHex('E0429168AE12A80')  
 DECLARE @i int, @temp char(1), @bool bit  
 SET @i=1  
 SET @bool=0  
 WHILE (@i<=LEN(@s))  
   SELECT @temp=SUBSTRING(@s,@i,1)  
   if ((@temp<='f') AND (@temp>='a')) OR ((@temp<='F') AND (@temp>='A')) OR ((@temp<='9') AND (@temp>='0'))   
       SET @bool=1  
       SET @bool=0  
       RETURN @bool  
   SELECT @i=@i+1  
 RETURN @bool